Low Impact Blog

Friday 16 February 2018

Morning Skincare Routine

What Skincare I Use On A Fresh New Day.....

I firstly splash some water on my face to then put on my face wash. This one is by L'Occitane and its there shea foaming cleanser. I love this so much because it really makes my skin moisturised and soft, but also cleansing. This also helps with blackheads, but i think that is mainly to-do with my electric facial washer by love my skin this is such an amazing product, and i have found it to really  help with blemishes and blackheads.

Next I walk over to mirror on the floor to start with some more products.

Okay I now use Toner I love this one by neals yard, this is there rose re hydrate. This one again I find to help with blemishes, to prevent them and to remove them. I can really see when I haven't used this.

After that I go in with the product that has massively and almost magically changed my skin. This is White Willow. I have mentioned this multiple times, but this is amazing it started working instantly and made a huge difference instantly ( And by instantly I mean overnight!) This helps with little red or clear bumps on your skin, trust me I know how annoying they are but this will remove them pretty quick, at least they did for me.

Then I don' t always do this step but, I put Tea Tree oil on my blemishes. Another amazing help really clears them up. But like I said I only do this when I have them.

The last step is moisturiser, and I do have oily skin, but this actually helps, for many different reasons of which I am not going to bore you with. In the morning I use the body shop Seaweed oil control gel cream. As it says in the title it deals with oil, and may I say that it deals with it very well. I have noticed a huge, huge difference using this.

Thank you so much for reading my morning skincare routine. I also did an Evening Skincare Routine. I have a YouTube channel as well.


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